We are specialists in civil and structural engineering development and design. Below are some of the services that Hunt Michel & Partners can offer you:
- Residential land development from small scale 1 into 2 projects
to multi-stage developments
- Industrial land development
- Retirement/Unit developments
- Carparks
- Building platforms
- Stormwater management plans
- Stormwater quantity objectives - Stormwater quality objectives
- Erosion and sediment control plans
- Overland flow studies
- Operational works applications
- Development applications
- Supporting information - Information requests
- Development feasibility and cost estimates
- Bulk earthworks
- Retaining walls
- Road works
- Stormwater drainage
- Sewer reticulation
- Water reticulation
- Relocatable homes
- Concrete structures
- Masonry structures
- Steel structures
- Timber structures
- Footings and slab on ground
- Retirement/Unit developments
- Industrial buildings
- Multi-storey commercial/residential structures
- General structures
- Mine subsidence effects
- Sports facilities
- Heritage building restoration
As well as the services mentioned above, we also provide:
- Contract administration
- Construction supervision
- Site inspections
If you have any questions or would like a quote don't hesitate to call us at (07) 3812 2399 or send us an e-mail at dan@hmengineers.com.au.